Welcome to KirkHalliday.com! I hope you enjoy my site!
There is so much to find here, including my resume, a little about myself, and much more. Not everything is serious, however. You can also find thousands of humorous quotes and the official Geek Test! Feel free to browse around, take a look at what I have here, and by all means, please let me know what you think!
About Me
About Me
For 18 years I lived in the Naperville/Aurora Illinois area with my wife and 5 kids (3 daughters and 2 sons). In 2013 we moved to Castle Rock, CO where we now live and love the life here! Click below for more!
About Work
About Work
I am accomplished and energetic IT professional with more than 20 years of experience. I am a motivated leader with strong abilities and have a proven track record of achieving exceptional results.
My Resume
My Resume
If you want to find out more about my 25+ years of experience, click below. If you are interested, you can download my resume in Word or Adobe formats as well.
My Photography
My Photography
I love photography and have posted some of my favorite shots here. This forum will keep growing as I find pics I have taken that I’d like to share. Let me know what you think about them and what you’d like to see!
Funny how the Brain Works!
INTERESTING FACT: Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Here’s an example… The Gettysburg Address:
Fuor score and seevn yraes ago our feahrts burghot fotrh on tihs coeninntt, a new ntiaon, cinoveced in Lrtieby, and dieecdatd to the prioootsipn taht all men are crteead eaqul. Now we are egagned in a great civil war, ttenisg wteehhr that naiotn, or any nitoan so ceenicovd and so daeicetdd, can long eunrde. We are met on a gerat bltate-felid of taht war. We have come to dceidtae a piorotn of that fleid, as a fianl rsietng plcae for tsohe who here gvae their leivs that taht nitaon mihgt lvie. It is aehlgotetr finttig and ppeorr that we suhold do this. But, in a lrgear sense, we can not detacide — we can not cotnsraece — we can not hlaolw — this gnorud. The bvare men, linvig and daed, who seurlgtgd here, have cneoasectrd it, far abvoe our poor poewr to add or detrcat. The wrold wlil ltilte note, nor lnog rmmeeebr waht we say hree, but it can nveer fergot waht they did here. It is for us the lniivg, rheatr, to be daeticedd hree to the uninsfihed work wichh they who fohgut hree hvae tuhs far so nolby advenacd. It is reathr for us to be here deitecdad to the garet task rniniameg bfoere us — taht form teshe henoord daed we tkae iseecarnd dtiveoon to taht cusae for whcih they gvae the last full msrauee of dovtoien — that we hree hglihy reosvle taht thsee daed slhal not hvae deid in vian — taht tihs nioatn, udenr God, salhl have a new birth of frdoeem — and taht gvomeernnt of the plepoe, by the ppoele, for the polpee, slhal not piesrh form the etrah.
Need a daily quote? No problem, here you go…
Once your pants catch fire, the fact that you’re lying becomes less important.
- Bolivian judge orders arrest of ex-president Evo Morales in sex abuse case
- Fire erupts at oil depot in Russia's Kaluga Oblast following Ukrainian drone attack
- UK anti-corruption minister resigns amid Bangladeshi corruption probe into her family
- Starmer urges world leaders to ‘double down’ on support for Ukraine
- Three Navalny lawyers sentenced to years in Russian penal colony for 'extremist activity'
- A group of 18 former European heads of state call on the EC to break up Google's advertising tech business, claiming it erodes Europe's media landscape (Edith Hancock/Wall Street Journal)
- Source: Meta plans to break up its civil rights team, which helped develop tech to address racial and other disparities in how Meta distributed ads on its apps (Kalley Huang/The Information)
- Perplexity acquires Read.cv, a social media platform for professionals; Read.cv will shut down and let users export their profiles, posts, and more until May 16 (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
- Digital Currency Group agrees to settle and pay $38.5M in civil penalties to the US SEC over charges that it misled investors via crypto lender Genesis Global (Sarah Wynn/The Block)
- Bluesky 2024 moderation report: Bluesky gained 23M+ users, its moderation team grew to ~100, and its moderation service received 6.48M reports, up 17x from 2023 (Sarah Perez/TechCrunch)
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What’s Important to Me
No Empty Chairs!
Taken from the mission statement of John Covey. Everyone will always be at the table participating. No one is left out.
I will try more often to think of the needs of other members of my family.
I will take care of my responsibilities without being reminded.
I will be honest in my thinking and in my behavior.
I will do an act of kindness each day without seeking reward or recognition.
I will recognize that each member of my family is important and appreciate him or her for their individual talents.
I will pray more thoughtfully and not take my blessings of being together as a family for granted.
I will smile often and tell my family that I love and appreciate them.
To paint a solid and positive picture around where our family is headed through this life and forever.
I am first and foremost a dedicated husband and father who works hard to ensure a happy wife, happy children, and an effective work/life balance.
I am an accomplished and energetic IT professional with more than 20 years of experience.
I build strong, focused, and dedicated teams, which has helped me develop a successful career, thus far.
I am a motivated leader with strong organizational, prioritization, and communication abilities.
I have developed a proven track record of achieving exceptional results through creating and managing highly effective and collaborative teams, implementing cost saving measures, and increasing user productivity.
I believe in professional development, leading by example, and that you are only as strong as your weakest link.