Seminary Graduation – Stake President’s Award!
Tonight, we attended Seminary Graduation for our Stake. This celebrates those who completed 4 years of early-morning religious study (there should be an award just for getting up every day and being somewhere at 6am for 4 years) and also honors those who have completed specific requirements. Sarah was one of those in the latter group. She received the Stake President’s award (2 years in a row). This award reuqires that she has 93% class attendance or 100% of all absences made up, scripture reading for 210 days or at least 10 minutes every day, and the memorization of 25 scripture passages along with other memorization skills.
She worked very hard this year, despite going to a new seminary class and leaving most of her friends behind (due to the opening of the new high school). She is quite the trooper! Congratulations, Sarah!