Daily Archives: March 25, 2010

Brittany and Sarah in Higher Music Groups!!!

Congratulations Brittany and Sarah!  Today we found out that both Brittany and Sarah made it into higher audition groups in high school next year!   They are so excited!  Sarah was the most worried she wouldn’t make it but was extremely relieved when the results of the auditions came back!

We are very impressed with the music programs in our district.  Sarah has just loved band at Metea this year and is looking forward to being in it next year (hopefully also as a marching leader in the marching band).  Brittany is looking forward to orchestra at Metea, because we have one of the best orchestra directors in the country.  Mr. Liu was at Waubonsie last year and came to Metea this year.  The kids at Waubonsie are still really sad that he left, but what a blessing for us!

By |2010-04-25T06:03:42-07:00March 25th, 2010|School|0 Comments

Young Women Fashion Show

Tonight the Young Women in our Ward had a fashion show, where they modeled modest clothing and formal ware.  They had the gym decorated up like a runway with lights and balloons and had personal bios of the girls and their dresses.  Sarah participated in the show and Brittany brought her friend and enjoyed the show from the audience.

It’s hard to believe how grown-up Sarah is getting!  We keep thinking (and mourning) about the fact that in 2 1/2 years, she’ll be in college and we won’t see her much!  🙁

By |2010-04-04T12:37:50-07:00March 25th, 2010|Church|0 Comments