Sarah and Brittany Getting Ready for College???!!!

byu_logo_192Tonight was an eye-opener for me!  Sarah, Brittany and I attended a meeting at the Stake Center in Naperville where representatives from the 4 Church Schools (BYU, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, and LDS Business College) gave a presentation about attending these (or any other) for that matter.  They also talked about the institute programs of the church in cases where a church school was not an option.  They discussed tuition, scholarships, what it takes to be accepted, acceptance rates, housing, activities, sports, service opportunities, and all kinds of other interesting things.  They also gave away t-shirts for correct answers to questions.  🙂

It hit me pretty hard that in just a couple of short years, I’ll have a daughter in college and one right behind!  😐  YIKES!  I’m not ready for that!  My wallet is screaming!  Can you hear it?  🙂

The girls really enjoyed the presentation (informative and also quite funny) and brought home a ton of information as well as a link to Angela to look at as well.  We are feeling quite old!  🙂