Last Full Day with Our Family! :-(

Today was the last full day with our family!  I can’t believe it’s already been a month and Carmen is going home tomorrow.  We will miss her very much.  She has really become part of our family.  Hopefully she will be able to come back soon or we will be able to go over there and visit her.

Even with us being sad that she is leaving, we did have a great day today!  We spent the morning playing Wii and Marta ran on the treadmill.  Zachary was also acting VERY weird and made a helmet out of some pillows and a plastic container!  🙂



For lunch, the girls made us tortilla de patatas and they tasted wonderful!  Angela took Marta to buy a small carry-on bag for the flight home tomorrow because her suitcase is HEAVY and she needs to get rid of some of the weight!  🙂


After shopping, we all went to Kirstyn and Zachary’s swimming lessons at the Phillips Park Pool.  Here are some pics…




After swimming lessons and having fun in the pool, we packed everything up and drove home to have dinner.  We had tasty grilled chicken, rice, salad, and then for dessert, we had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.  Carmen and Marta LOVED them.


We had family home evening together for the last time and for our family activity, we watched the photo video that I compiled for Carmen.  It was a good way for all of us to look back on the month of all the activities and fun times we have had together.

After watching the video, we played cards until late, laughed and had a great time together.


Brittany and I said our good-byes and we all went to bed.  This last 4 weeks has been absolutely wonderful!  We have not only had a great time as a family, but also gained a new daughter.  She has really become part of our family and it will be weird when we look around the dinner table and not see her there.   🙁  We will always look back on this experience with great fondness.