

RLF Session 3 Great Experience for Kirk

I just finished up my 3rd of 6 Regional Leadership Forum sessions.  What a GREAT experience.  I read 5 more books, totalling 15 since the first of January.  They were 1) First Break all the Rules, 2) The Zen of Listening, 3) The Prince (by Machiavelli), 4) Brain Rules, and 5) The Pearl (by John Steinbeck).  Discussing them with the group was wonderful and very insightful.  I also heard presentations from 2 prominant CIOs, participated in many leadership activities, and continued to build relationships with the participants from all over the midwest. 

On Monday night (27th) for our group activity, we were blessed to hear from one of the Lost Boys of Sudan.  The story is absolutely humbling what they went through.  If you are not familar with who they are, check it out:  Lost Boys of Sudan History.  To think that any boys this age with no parents could survive what they did is amazing!

It’s hard to believe that we are already half-way done with the program.  Only 3 more sessions to go and then SIMposium in Seattle in November.

By |2009-04-29T10:50:44-07:00April 29th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments

Double Dose of Success!

What a GREAT day today was!  Two wonderful things happened in our family:

1)  Sarah tried out for section leader for the Metea High School Marching Band last week, and today she found out that she made it!  We are very excited for her and she can’t wait.  Part of this experience will be to attend a 2-day leadership course at a prestigious downtown Chicago music school where she will receive some training.  Way to go Sarah!

2)  Kirk just finished up a very rigorous course on ITIL v3 Foundations.  ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library and is a worldwide standard for IT Service Management (read more about it here).  The training course was only 3 days but was VERY brutal.  300 pages of content and by the end of each day, his head was swimming!  After studying for multiple hours every night, exam time came and he passed it!  He now has an ITIL v3 Foundations Certification, which will look good on the resume!  🙂

By |2009-04-23T20:23:36-07:00April 22nd, 2009|School, Work-Related|0 Comments

The Joys of Whirlyball!

I’m am currently involved in a year-long leadership training program where we meet for 2 days every 6 weeks, participate in many leadership activities, listen to CIO and CEO presentations, and read/discuss 35 books on leadership topics.  We also have an activity the first evening of every session.  We just finished the second session and this time we played Whirlyball.  For those of you who don’t know what this is, it combines lacrosse, hockey and basketball with bumper cars.  What a RIOT!  We played 5 on 5 for a couple of hours and had a total blast!  See some low-res pictures below of our activity.

Whirlyball 1  Whirlyball 2

By |2009-03-18T05:38:57-07:00March 10th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments

Leadership Forum

At work, we just created a leadership program and I was selected to be one of the first participants!  🙂  I am participating in a year-long program through the Society of Information Management (SIM) called the Regional Leadership Forum (RLF).  The group meets every 6 weeks, participates in leadership discussions/activities, listens to CEO/CIO presentations, and reads 35 books on leadership topics.  It’s pretty rigorous, but I am already building relationships with 35 outstanding individuals and we are having a GREAT time!  Here is the link to the SIM site that discusses more about the RLF program.  I would recommend it to anyone!

By |2009-03-18T06:22:28-07:00January 28th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments