

1st Day of Work, 1st Facial, Last Practice

Today was Sarah’s first day of work!  She is SO excited to finally have a job and absolutely loved working at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory her first day.  She did all kinds of candy and will soon learn the register.  While Sarah was doing that, Brittany had her first facial at a nearby salon.  She was kind-of nervous but when she got there, she relaxed and enjoyed the experience.  While Brittany was doing that, Zach was having his very last football practice!  Yea!  We have loved football, but it does take a lot of time and we could use the break!

By |2010-11-11T11:46:13-07:00October 28th, 2010|Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

Marching Band Banquet, Job Offer!

Tonight we had the Metea Valley High School Marching Band banquet and had a great time.  Kirstyn watched the boys, while Angela and I went with Sarah and Brittany and stuffed ourselves with roast beef sandwiches, pasta, and great desserts!

After eating, we watched a great video presentation of the marching season, the kids were all recognized, and the marching leaders put on some funny skits (at least all the kids thought they were funny).  The adults had no clue what was going on as you obviously had to be there to understand.  🙂

The kids also got a copy of their “non-yearbook” band picture…

Probably the biggest highlight of the night (for Angela and I anyway), was that the lady from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory called and offered Sarah a job!  🙂  WAHOOOOO!  We were so excited that it worked out.  The cool thing is that Sarah doesn’t have to work on YM/YW nights, and she doesn’t have to work on Sundays!  She will be working between 8 and 12 hours a week which is absolutely perfect for her!

She will start work the week after next.  The job right now is seasonal, but we told her that if she works hard and proves her worth, it may turn into longer-term employment.  It’s really exciting to know that our family will now be a 3 income family!  🙂   Congratulations Sarah!  We are proud of you!  🙂

By |2010-11-01T08:11:27-07:00October 14th, 2010|Home Life, School, Work-Related|0 Comments

RLF Reconnect!

Tonight I drove to Wisconsin after work to meet a bunch of folks from our Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) group for a reconnect.  We have decided as a group to meet 4 times a year (once each quarter) to discuss a book, have dinner together, have a guest speaker where possible, and to renew our friendships.  It’s a great opportunity to keep building wonderful relationships that we built over the past year.

I got up there a little early, so I did some shopping at the Jelly Belly factory store (which just happened to be off the same exit where we were metting), did a little shopping at the outlet mall next to where we were meeting and then joined everyone for dinner and great discussions!  There were about 15 of us there and we had a great time!  During dinner we did our book discussion on a great book by Marshall  Goldsmith:  “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.”  We discussed 20 habits that need to be broken to help you get your life and career to the next level.  They are:

  1. Winning too much
  2. Adding too much value
  3. Passing judgement
  4. Making destructive comments
  5. Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However”
  6. Telling the world how smart you are
  7. Speaking when angry
  8. Negativity, or “Let me explain why that won’t work”
  9. Withholding information
  10. Failing to give proper recognition
  11. Claiming credit that we don’t deserve
  12. Making excuses
  13. Clinging to the past
  14. Playing favorites
  15. Refusing to express regret
  16. Not listening
  17. Failing to express gratitude
  18. Punishing the messenger
  19. Passing the buck
  20. An excessive need to be “me”

Angela and I also had a great discussion about which ones we felt we needed to work on and had some ah ha moments and some laughs.  🙂

We then had a great guest speaker, Phil Zweig, who just retired as a VP of Northwestern Mutual.  He told us his life’s story and gave us some of his favorite tips and quotes.  One that I really liked was from George Carlin.  He said:

Life is not measured by the number of breaths  you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.

We talked and caught each other up on everything that was going on in our lives.  What a great experience!  I’m looking forward to the next one we have in June!  🙂

By |2010-02-12T07:15:55-07:00February 11th, 2010|Work-Related|0 Comments

Back Home with the Family!

After a short night, I got up at 3am, got ready, and met a couple of the group in the lobby of the hotel at 4am for our trip to the airport.  My flight left at 6am (not sure what I was thinking when I booked the flight)!  😐  After sleeping most of the way home and having a very smooth, uneventful flight, drove home and met the family at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch.  The kids were off school today and it was GREAT to see everyone again!  🙂  The kids jumped out of the van and smothered me with hugs!  I guess I’m not such a mean and cruel dad after all!  🙂  Benjamin gave me a huge hug, put his head on my shoulder, and didn’t want to move.  It was so sweet and so I just stood there soaking it in.  🙂

After stuffing ourselves with salad, pizza, mac and cheese, bread, muffins, soup, ice cream, and all sorts of other things, we drove home and relaxed.  I fell immediately asleep and got about an hour before waking back up and enjoying the family!

By |2009-11-13T06:34:39-07:00November 11th, 2009|Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

SIMposium – Day 3

Day 3 of SIMposium was great too!  We had some more great workshops and learned much.  The best part of the day was in the evening when a bunch of us got together and hung out.  We started by going to a local recommended wine bar where everyone tasted of the local wine (I was the designated walker and filled up on soda :-)) and we played Apples to Apples there in the place.  It was very quaint and had a great atmosphere for relaxing.


After spending a couple hours there, we went to the famous Pike’s Place Pub and Brewery and had dinner.  The food was great and we had a blast chatting, laughing, and having a great time!  It was kind of sad to think that this would be our last night together as a group.  All of us would be going home the next day and our leadership program would be over.

One thing we decided to do is to get together once a quarter as a group, pick a book to read, find a speaker to come and speak to us, and discuss leadership topics.  Most of our meetings will alternate between Chicago and Milwaukee since most of us are in these two areas.  We will try to meet once a year in Cleveland since we have a group there as well.  Hopefully we can keep in touch!

By |2009-11-13T06:29:30-07:00November 10th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments

SIMposium – Day 2

SIMposium-Day2-1We had a great second day of SIMposium in Seattle!  It was full of great keynote presentations, breakout sessions, and good food!  I learned a lot of great things not only about Information Technology but about leadership in general.   There were a lot of CIOs from around the country that we were able to talk to and participate in sessions with.

After the sessions were over, they had a networking event at the Seattle “Experience Music Project” and Science Fiction Museum.  Experience Music Project (EMP) is dedicated to the exploration of creativity and innovation in popular music. By blending interpretative, interactive exhibitions with cutting-edge technology, EMP captures and reflects the essence of rock ‘n’ roll, its roots in jazz, soul, gospel, country and the blues, as well as rock’s influence on hip-hop, punk and other recent genres.  SIMposium-Day2-2When we arrived, they had a cocktail hour to loosen every one up.  🙂  Then they had a great buffet of food to eat.  After eating (and more drinking for some), we went into the museum and looked around for the rest of the time.  We saw all kinds of things from Michael Jackson’s jacket and silver glove, to Jimmi Hendrix’s guitars and memorabilia, to Eddie Van Halen’s red and white striped guitar, and much more.  In the atrium, they had a “guitar tree that spanned all the way up to the roof (shown to the right).

Upstairs, they had an array of instruments you could play, and some sound rooms that you could “jam out” and practice in.  There are a lot of members of our RLF group who are pretty musically talented and I sat and watched three of them jam out on drums, base, and lead guitars.  It was pretty cool.

SIMposium-Day2-3After listening to them, there were a bunch of the group who got together and decided to go into the mock concert stage (sound room) and make a recording together.  In honor of the bead necklace concept and nuts (long story, I won’t elaborate here), the group named itself “Rusty Nutt” and performed.  Here is a link to the video:  Click Here.  Important note:  This does NOT show the talent of anyone in the group (except the drummer and possibly 1 guitar player).  🙂

I came home and crashed (although I didn’t sleep too well) while others stayed out and didn’t get back in until about 1 in the morning!  🙂

By |2009-11-13T06:16:07-07:00November 9th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments

RLF Graduation and Primary Program

Today I graduated from my leadership program (RLF) in Seattle!  After 9 months of hard work, we finally finished!  We met early this morning and had a giveback session for members of other RLF groups and it turned out really well.  Each person placed a thumbprint on a paper we had stuck to the wall, and then all painted from those thumbprints, their thoughts about RLF and what it has meant to them.  We had a BUNCH of people in there and had some GREAT discussion.


Giveback attendees expanding on their thumbprints...


The final product!

We then had our graduation where one of the members of our group spoke about our experiences.  We were also able to listen to people give speeches from all the other RLF groups as well.  It was a touching experience thinking back on everything we had done over the past year!  After graduation, we had our final meeting as an RLF group.  We each brought beads that described ourselves, and we passed them around and made necklaces out of them.  We then wore them throughout the entire conference!  🙂  People thought it was really cool when they asked what they were for.


While I was doing this, Kirstyn and Zachary were performing in the annual Primary Sacrament Meeting Program at church.  Each had parts to give and they did a GREAT job!  I was sad to miss yet another thing this weekend.  🙁  It seemed that this weekend was the most busy of any in the past couple of months, and I wasn’t able to be there to support the activities.  They worked really hard on all the songs and their parts, and afterward, they made scrapbooks of themselves to give to their families.  It was really sweet!  🙂

Tonight (in Seattle) some of us went out to a nice restaurant and had a relaxing dinner, full of conversation and fun.  I was not too hungry, so I got a big sushi roll that was wonderful!  Others got halibut, tuna, salmon, and the appetizer we got was great too (crab cakes, scallops, and coconut prawn)!  Mmmmmm!  They also gave us complimentary truffles afterward!

What an awesome day!  I’m exhausted from the time change and the long day, however!  🙂

By |2009-11-12T11:47:49-07:00November 8th, 2009|Church, Work-Related|0 Comments

Activity Days, IMEA, Roadshow, and Seattle


Pike's Place Market on the Water in Seattle

Today was a HUGE busy day!  We had a bunch of things going on that took us all in multiple directions.  As part of my leadership program at work, I flew out to Seattle today the Society for Information Management (SIM) conference called SIMposium.  Part was to attend the conference, and the other part was for my leadership program graduation.  I flew out on a 9am flight and got to Seattle at around 11am.  I had a chance to walk around Seattle for the afternoon and then I met a bunch of the folks from my leadership group for dinner.

We had a wonderful dinner down at a restaurant near Pike’s Place Market on the water.  It was called Ettas and I had the Pacific Albacore Tuna.  It was some of the best Tuna I have ever tasted (  It was wonderful to see the members of our group again!  🙂


Back on the home front, Kirstyn had an activity days breakfast at the church that Angela and her had a great time going to.  This is the first one I have ever missed and felt bad about it.  They enjoyed eating a bunch of good food!

Brittany had her practices and performance also for the Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA) today.  She sang in the chorus.  This is a yearly program that the top music students throughout the districts in Illinois audition and are selected for.  She had a wonderful time and I missed that as well.  Great job Brittany!


Tonight was also the stake roadshow performances for Sarah and Brittany!  They did a great job and the family (minus me, of course) really enjoyed attending!  All the wards in the stake put on their shows, and each ward had an olio that they performed.  Awards were given out to everyone.  Great job girls!

By |2009-11-18T06:04:08-07:00November 7th, 2009|Church, Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

Last Leadership Forum (RLF) Session. Sniff… Sniff… :-(

Today I finished up my last session of the Midwest Regional Leadership Forum (RLF)!  We had a wonderful session and had great speakers and book discussions.  I can’t believe I read 35 books like that in 9 months!  I won’t miss that much reading, but the friends I have made and the experiences I had are invaluable and something I will never forget.  I always know that I have 39 other people that I can reach out to when I have leadership questions, problems I am trying to overcome at work, or anything like that.  It’s amazing how close-knit you become.

At the end of the session, we all had a group hug, a group picture, and said our good-byes until November when we will all meet together again in Seattle for SIMposium (the Society for Information Management’s annual conference) where we will officially “graduate” and have our last official meeting together.  We have a “giveback” presentation we are working on for the conference and it should be GREAT!  I am in charge of compiling a slide video with music highlighting lessons learned, quotes, and outstanding thoughts we collected over the last 9 months.  It’s turning out quite well.

Many of us that live in the immediate area (Chicagoland and Southern Wisconsin) are going to get back together every other month or so to discuss a book, have an activity or something like that.  This will keep us together and communicating.  We also have our LinkedIn and Facebook groups as well.  I would recommend this leadership program to ANYONE!  It’s one of the best work- and life-related experiences I have ever had!

By |2009-09-24T12:29:53-07:00September 22nd, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments

Leadership Council and Cross Country

Today turned out very well!  At work, as part of the Grant Thornton Leadership Program that I am taking part in, one of the areas of the program is to take on a leadership role to give back to the firm.  I was asked to co-chair the IT Leadership Council, a group of my peers and the IT Senior Leadership Team.  It is the responsibility of the group to successfully execute the strategic initiatives that are part of the Fiscal Year 2010 Strategic Plan.  I was pretty stressed about the kick-off meeting that we had today becuase we didn’t have a lot of time to pull together the necessary information and I didn’t know how I was going to present it, but things came together in the end, and the meeting went very well.  WHEW!

Brittany-Still-XC-1On a funner note, today was Brittany’s first Cross Country meet of the season.  She was very excited but a little tentative becuase her knee was hurting her a little bit yesterday and she wasn’t sure how well she would do under these circumstances.  The 8th graders run 2 miles which is an adjustment for her 1.5 mile races she ran last year.  In the end, her knee was fine, but her foot started hurting and she didn’t have the kind of race she wanted, but did well for the first race of the year.  They ran against Fischer which is the middle school that many of her friends who went to Still last year are going now.   Great job, Brittany!  Keep up the GREAT work!

In other notes, Brittany had her first day of Honors Chorus today, and Kirstyn had her first day of chorus as well.  Both are very excited to be singing.  Angela actually walked over to the middle school today to see Brittany run!  It was slow and a little painful, but she is becoming more mobile and her back, although still in a lot of pain, is getting a little better.  We keep up our prayers for her!

By |2009-10-30T05:18:38-07:00September 15th, 2009|Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

RLF Session 5 – Wonderful Learning Experience

During the past two days,  I participated in session #5 of the Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) I have been attending all this year.  As usual, the agenda and activites were phenominal.  It was a little lighter for me because this time, I didn’t have to present on any books like the last session we had.  Even though this set of books was not my favorite, we had wonderful discussions about them.


We also had the guy who helped found SIM (Society for Information Management) and the RLF come and speak to us.  There was so much he gave us it was hard to digest it all.  Fortunately, over the past 5 sessions, I have taken almost 100 pages of notes!  🙂

Last night, we had a group activity on the St. Charles Q Center campus where we all played Frisbee Golf.  It was a LOT of fun.  We followed that up with a nacho bar and open bar for drinks.  The water and Sprite tasted great!  🙂

It’s hard to believe that yet another session is over.  We only have one session left in September before we all meet in Seattle in November for the SIMposium and our graduation.  That will be sad, as I have met some incredible people during this past year that I will never forget.  We have become a very close group and have stayed in touch quite a bit between sessions.

By |2009-08-04T20:11:05-07:00August 4th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments

RLF Session 4 – Great Experience!

I just finished up session #4 of 6 in my Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) today.  Yesterday and today were, as usual, outstanding as I was able to get back together with my new friends and participate in a wide range of leadership and book discussions.  On Monday, I led the book discussion on “Made to Stick.”  I really loved this book and it is helping me to communicate my ideas better.  I got feedback that so far, it was one of the participant’s favorite and most entertaining discussions!  What a thrill!  I used “sticky” ads from TV and print to make my points, gave them many handouts, and facilitated a group discussion on what makes ideas stick.

As a group on Monday, we traveled to downtown Chicago via train and took an architecture boat tour on the Chicago River.  That was something that I’d always wanted to do.  It was a little stressful at the beginning and at the end, becuase I was the main person in charge of the activity (reservations, train tickets, etc.) and was hoping and praying that everyone would make it downtown and that we wouldn’t leave anyone!

I can’t believe we only have 2 sessions left before our final meeting in Seattle in November where we’ll graduate!  This experience has made me a BUNCH of new and great friends and helped build relationships that I will treasure for many years to come!

By |2009-06-13T12:50:26-07:00June 9th, 2009|Work-Related|0 Comments