

Huge Busy Day!

This morning I got back from Chicago via Amtrak.  I was lucky I did that as yesterday there was a fire in the Traffic Control building for the region and planes all over the area were grounded all day and some still are.  The train was full of people that needed to get home but couldn’t fly due to the outage!  I looked brilliant to all those people at work who told me I was crazy for taking the train!  🙂

I had a great time in Chicago!  I went to the High School to drop a plaque off to Mr. Schneider from Brittany and he was so appreciative!  I also saw Mr. Devany and had a great conversation.  I then drove all over and took pictures of everything!  🙂  Only stuck a couple here.  Our house is still there!  🙂  One of the highlights was eating at Portillos and having a cake shake!

I went to church and it was so great to see everyone there!  The ward has shrunk a bunch, but it was so awesome to see and talk to everyone that was there!  Most everyone wanted to know why Angela wasn’t there with me.  🙂

Work was great as well!  It was good to see everyone face-to-face.  After work hours every day I went and saw friends relaxed and enjoyed the old stomping grounds.  I also went by Menards and bought a bunch of bags of chocolate covered nuts to bring home to Angela to take to the Philippines with her when she goes next week!

Right after I got home, we went to Zach’s soccer game.  He played really hard and I think he has found something he likes to do and is pretty good at!  🙂

Right after the game, we ran to the car and drove as fast as we could down to Colorado Springs where we went to the Boise State vs. Air Force football game at the Air Force Academy!  We had a TON of fun!  We met the Pocock’s there and cheered for Boise State!

Unfortunately, Boise State lost, but we sure had a great time!  We really love going and doing these kinds of things with friends!  Thanks for the invite,  Camille and Patrick!  🙂

By |2014-12-30T12:14:30-07:00September 27th, 2014|Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

Chicago Trip

Tonight I hopped on the Amtrak train out of Denver and am on my way to Chicago for a work trip.  Taking the train allows me to get to Chicago MUCH cheaper and without the need for car fares to and from the airport.  Because of this, I was able to swing renting a car and staying in Naperville instead of the more expensive hotel right by the office.  I’m excited to get out there and take the weekend to see many of our old friends and such!  More on the trip when I get back home!

By |2014-12-30T11:38:12-07:00September 18th, 2014|Work-Related|0 Comments

Chicago Trip and Zach Gets his Bear!

I left early this morning for a trip to Chicago for work.  Unfortunately for me, tonight was the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet and Zach got his bear award.  What an awesome little Cub Scout he is!  We’re so proud of him!

Being out of town, I also missed Brittany’s final internship presentation for her Birth Rocks experience.  That was frustrating to have to miss that as well.  She did a great job presenting!

Great job you two!  You guys are awesome!  Keep up the great work in all you do!  On the Chicago side, it was great to see everyone in Oakbrook again.  It’s only been 2 months since I went out last (hard to believe 2 visits that close).  🙂


By |2014-07-02T04:52:37-07:00March 19th, 2014|Church, Work-Related|0 Comments

Work Meetings

The last 4 days I have been in work meetings all day for IT Service Management.  We got a LOT accomplished and it was great to see everyone from the office in person again!  On breaks I would try to get out and see others in the office.  It has been wonderful, but tomorrow I’m headed back home and will be glad to see the family, the mountains, and the blue skies again!

By |2014-03-31T06:46:23-07:00January 16th, 2014|Work-Related|0 Comments

Dad and Mom in MTC, Work Meetings, Window Well Covers!

Today, Dad and Mom Hobbs went to MTC!  They’ll be there for about a week or so and then take off for the Philippines, Angeles Mission.  I also found out yesterday that our old Stake President (President Scott Clark) just got called as a mission president and that he will be Mom and Dad’s new President in July!  What are the odds of that!  It was really cool to tell that to Mom and Dad.  President Clark was also pretty excited!  🙂

We also got our new window well covers today!  Whew!  Safety can now be found in our back yard!  🙂

I’ll be in meetings here in Chicago for the next 4 days.  I’m excited to get a lot done!

BTW, I had a Portillos Cake Shake today before taking my rental car back!  It was SO good and it made the kids jealous back home!  🙂

By |2014-03-31T06:44:39-07:00January 13th, 2014|Church, Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

Chicago Here I Come!

Today, I left for Chicago on business!  I decided to go out a few days early, rent a car, and go see a bunch of our friends!  A friend of ours, John Sabo, passed away and I was able to get there on time to attend his funeral.  It was nice but I felt really self-conscious because I was in jeans (came right from the airport).    I got to see a BUNCH of our friends there and they also invited me to stay for the luncheon afterward.  It was nice to talk to everyone.  Before leaving I took a picture of the church.  🙂

After the funeral, I went and picked up Brittany’s Metea Valley yearbook from the Gaul’s.  It was great to see them again and I had a great chat with them.  I then went around and took a bunch of pictures of our old house, the high school, middle school, and much more.  I drove Brittany and Kirstyn crazy by calling them and saying things like “guess where I am now?”  They want to come back here and visit so bad!

Tonight I went over to the Oscarson’s and stayed with them.  I’m going to go to our old ward tomorrow and am very excited to see everyone!  It’s really cool being back here because of all the positive memories that we made over the last 18 years of living here.  You don’t have to worry about the negatives (property taxes being so high, bankrupt and corrupt state, etc.)  🙂

By |2014-03-31T06:36:08-07:00January 11th, 2014|Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments

Rockies Game with Denver Office

Today the Denver Office had an outing to a Rockies game and so I decided to go and meet some of the Denver office people!  It was a lot of fun.  Fortunately, one other IT person was there so I wasn’t completely alone.  We started off the activity eating Reindeer, Wild Board, and other exotic bratwursts for lunch, and then we headed over to the game.  The office is only a few blocks from the park so we all walked.  It was a GORGEOUS day and it wasn’t too  hot (typical of here)!

We had a great time at the game.  The Rockies played the Arizona Diamondbacks and won 4-1.  They’re doing pretty good this year compared to years before, and everyone’s talking about it.  🙂

By |2013-08-27T06:00:24-07:00May 22nd, 2013|Work-Related|0 Comments

Last Day of Seminary & Cubs/Sox on a Rooftop!

Today was the last day of Seminary for the year and Sarah’s last day of Seminary ever!  😐  She came home a little bummed that she wouldn’t have seminary anymore, but also a little bit excited that she wouldn’t have to get up early anymore for it either!  🙂  They had a great year and really loved their teachers.  It was a far cry from year 1 at Metea, and we are very grateful for that.  They learned a ton this hear, and when graduation comes up, they will both be receiving their Stake President’s Award.  Sarah will also get the Anchor award for getting the Stake President’s Award all four years!  Yea Sarah!

I worked from home today for the morning, and around 10 or so, Angela and I left to attend a presentation from a vendor and then enjoyed great rooftop seats at Wrigley for the Crosstown Classic of the Cubs vs. the Sox!

We had a great time!  The presentation was OK (talking about Cloud Computing Management) 🙂 but afterward, the food was great and the game was fun as well.  The Cubs had a chance to win but lost in the final inning.  Oh well, we had a blast anyway.  The day couldn’t have been better!  One cool thing is that we got to see Kerry Wood pitch his last time and make his final strikeout!  He is now retiring and everyone gave him a huge standing ovation.  He brought his little son out with him to celebrate on the field.  He had a great career!

By |2012-07-09T05:46:40-07:00May 18th, 2012|Church, Work-Related|0 Comments

Leadership Re-Connect – Day 2

Today we had day 2 of our RLF Re-connect, and it was even better than the first day!  Cliff Higbee (our facilitator) flew out from Salt Lake just to be there with us.  He’s a great guy and we all respect him quite a bit.

We met at the Eaglewood Resort and found an area in the dining room where we had a couple of activities, mostly around catching up on what has been going on in our lives, and how our learning from RLF has helped us get through these trials and triumphs.  We also did a team building activity that Cliff brought.  He wanted to try something out on us before actually doing it in an RLF session.  We don’t mind being guinea pigs for this kind of thing!

At lunch, we drove down to Oakbrook, picked up some food from Portillo’s, and then went over to the Grant Thornton building to eat and finish the day.  I wanted to provide some give-back to the group, so I volunteered our facilities to do some presentations, etc.  We did a couple activities there, one of which was a 2-hour presentation from me on the Covey 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) process and how it can help us with our current business responsibilities.  It went very well and I got a lot of great comments!

After the presentations, we left and went over to the Claimjumper Restaurant for dinner.  Angela met us over there and it was great to have her meet all the folks that I have become such great friends with.  We had a great dinner and awesome discussion and then we went over to Lucky Strike (bowling alley) for the remainder of the night.  We had fun bowling and eating more food!

What a great last two days.  I can’t wait for the next event!  🙂


By |2012-06-06T10:47:05-07:00April 14th, 2012|Work-Related|0 Comments

Leadership Re-Connect – Day 1

Today I had an absolutely wonderful day!  We held day 1 of a 2-day Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) Re-connect with a bunch of the folks from our group.  We had 8 or 9 people there and we met at the Eaglewood Resort in Elgin.  We read a fascinating book on leadership called It’s Your Ship from Captain D. Michael Abrashoff of the US Navy.  We had an in-depth discussion of the book, and had some other activities where we sat and discussed what was going on in our lives and such.

After we had our serious activities for the day, we all went over to Chicago Motor Sports and played Whirlyball for a couple of hours.  We had a blast.  It brought back memories from our second session of RLF when the whole group went there and had a blast.

It was really great to see the folks who came.  We all wished there was more, but for those who did attend, we really had a great time catching up and enjoying each other’s company.  Tomorrow we will proceed with day 2 and Cliff (the facilitator from our session) will be there.

By |2012-06-06T10:31:30-07:00April 13th, 2012|Work-Related|0 Comments

Home from Japan and Bulls Game!

Today, Mom and Dad Hobbs got home from their mission to Japan!  🙂  They landed in Idaho Falls around 2pm or so totally exhausted and probably a little sad to have left all their friends in Japan behind.  They had a great welcome party waiting for them when they got home, however!  Angela was really sad that she couldn’t be there to greet her parents when they got off the plane, but cheered up when I took her to an Intel event at the United Center to watch her first Bulls game!

We met the group of vendor folks and customers at a bar close to the United Center for appetizers and drinks (water for us)  🙂 and then went over to the game together.

We met some great people there and got to know a couple of people that we may get together with this summer for a grilling party.  They were all really nice and Angela was very impressed!  🙂  She loved the food and the atmosphere sitting up in one of the suites!  The dessert cart was her favorite of the night!  We ended up taking our new friends home so that they wouldn’t have to take the train back down to the city and turn around and take the train back out to Naperville.  We had a great time!

Go Mom and Dad Hobbs and the Bulls!  🙂



By |2012-04-30T05:38:47-07:00March 26th, 2012|Home Life, Work-Related|0 Comments